Who is
"Fizzy, the Naughty Fly” is an enchanting children's book series created by Shoaib. This captivating series seamlessly blends humour, adventure, and essential life lessons within the imaginative world of Wick-World, following the mischievous fly, Fizzy, on delightful adventures with the Khan family.
Discover the “Fizzy, series
Shoaib Khan, a small-town businessman hailing from Essex, wears many hats – from a devoted family man to an avid science-fiction enthusiast with a passion for boxing, snooker, and football. However, it is in the realm of storytelling that Khan truly finds his calling. His journey into children's literature took flight with the spontaneous creation of bedtime stories for his own children.
The genesis of his book, "Fizzy, the Naughty Fly," lies in the imaginative tales spun on the fly (pun intended) during those cherished bedtime moments. The stories, initially crafted for his children's amusement, resonated so deeply that Shoaib felt compelled to share them with a wider audience. What started as impromptu narratives in 2015-2016 blossomed into a beloved series, capturing the mischievous escapades of Fizzy, the Naughty Fly.
Despite his business pursuits and diverse interests, Shoaib confesses that his heart remains tethered to the joy of crafting imaginative worlds for young minds. He is proof that, deep down, the childlike wonder of storytelling never truly fades away. As readers embark on the whimsical adventures of Fizzy, they are invited into a world where bedtime tales come to life – a testament to the enduring magic of a storyteller's heart.